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What Causes Low Sex Drive?

It's totally normal to lose your desire for sex from time to time, and it happens to the majority of people at some point in their lives. This article discusses why your desire for sex diminishes - and how to overcome it.

It's natural to be concerned if you don't have any sexual desire, but it's a normal problem that many men and women face at some point in their life. There is no danger in the great majority of situations. The most common causes of diminished sex drive in a relationship include stress or weariness, as well as relationship problems. It can, however, be a symptom of an underlying medical disease, such as thyroid issues.

To begin with, we all have varying levels of sex desire, and there is no such thing as "normal" sex drive. However, if you find that your low sex desire is affecting your relationship or causing you anxiety, it may be time to seek professional aid or help yourself.

Here are some of the most common causes of low sex drive, as well as some self-treatment options.

Problems in the relationship

One of the most common causes of decreased sex drive is relationship issues. The state of your relationship has an impact on your desire to have sex with your partners; for example, a relationship with many unsolved issues can result in stress, which can lead to a loss of sex drive.

Solution: You can get help resolving your feelings about the relationship by going to a psychotherapist. Couples counseling is another option, in which you and your partner work together to tackle difficulties that may have contributed to low sex drive and improve communication. Psychotherapy or couples counseling may be recommended by your doctor.

You can also help your sex drive by thinking about sex or something else that makes you excited. The more you think about sex, the stronger your desire to engage in sexual behaviors becomes.

Mental Health

17 percent of men adult population say they have some mental health problem, while over 40% say they have anxiety, worry, or discomfort. In sex life, mental health is really important. - Other emotions have a big impact on sex drive: if you're depressed, your sex drive is probably low as well.

Solution: Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Mental Health have an impact on every aspect of everyday life, and the need to perform sexually does not make it any easier. Make your mental health a top priority  and talk to a doctor or psychologist about what available therapy.

- Hugging, showering, or simply lying naked in bed with your lover might help you retain physical intimacy, that might be sufficient. The sex drive may increase if you feel close to each other. Also, don't forget to take care of yourself. Masturbation can help you find pleasure while also letting you know what you're getting into.

Erectile Dysfunction/Impotence

Many men experience impotence/erectile dysfunction, or the inability to sustain a good erection for sexual activity, at some point in their lives. Stress, anxiety, and worry are common causes in young men.

Solution: try to choose some Viagra Generics that can be easily ordered from our shop.  Our best seller is Kamagra, erectile dysfunction drug manufactured by Ajanta Pharmaceuticals.

The effects start to become obvious about half an hour after taking Kamagra. Kamagra allows you to keep your erection for at least 4-6 hours. But if you looking for remedy that will let you stay hard longer try Tadalis or 'Le Weekender'. Tadalis offers popular and very successful treatment of sexual impotence with long lasting effect up to 36 hours.

Erectile dysfunction remedies  work by dilating the blood vessels in men's body, specially around the genital area. Better blood flow enables an erection to take place.

However, if your problem is premature ejaculation, you should definitely try Tadapox. Specially mixed medicine for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation is combine in one pill. Tadapox solves both disorders at once. The main compound Dapoxetine inhibits the ejaculatory expulsion reflex and prolong the time between sexual arousal and climax. Tadapox  represents successful and widely accepted treatment of premature ejaculation  and erectile dysfunction.

Female sexual dysfunction FSD or female sexual arousal disorder FSAD can be treated by sildenafil citrate tablets developed particularly for women. Lovegra, also known as "Viagra for women," is a pink tablet leading to increased blood flow and sensitivity in the vaginal area. Lovegra is also responsible for natural lubrication and an increased success rate during intercourse. Lovegra is scientifically formulated remedy to provide intense sexual satisfaction for women seeking to regain their sexual pleasure.

Birth control pills affect sex drive

Contraceptives can boost or decrease sex drive in some people. Hormone-containing contraceptives can influence your body, and consequently your desire for sex. Hormone-based contraceptives include birth control pills, birth control patches, mini-pills, and birth control tablets.

Solution: While most people do not notice a difference in sex desire when using hormonal contraceptives, if you believe your sex drive has been impaired, you should speak with your doctor about alternate options. If you feel that your sex drive has not returned to normal after a few months of contraception, you should talk to a doctor about it.

You're in menopause

During and after menopause, the levels of estrogen and testosterone change, which can affect your sex drive. Testosterone levels naturally decrease with age, and estrogen levels can drop drastically as menopause approaches. Falling estrogen levels not only affect sex drive, but also reduce vaginal discharge, which can lead to dry mucous membranes and make it uncomfortable or even painful to have sex.

Drugs that affect sexual desire

Some drugs have reduced sex drive as a side effect, especially antidepressant drugs.

- SSRIs, which are a common treatment for depression, often reduce sex drive. This also applies to corticosteroids, blood pressure medications and, above all, diuretics and antipsychotic drugs, note that there are a number of other drugs that can also have an effect on desire.

Solution: If you are worried about a particular drug, it is best that you talk to your doctor.